I really detest Dr. Michael E Mann, mostly for what I consider to be an attack on the first amendment -- his defamation lawsuit against Mark Steyn, Rand Simberg, National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. He's an incredible intellectual narcissist and tireless self promoter. He's done some really shoddy science (his most notable work, the hockey stick, has been completely discredited at Climate Audit), yet he's managed to cultivate a public persona as one of the worlds leading experts on climate. He's also very vindictive and likes to publicly trash opponents. He's kind of like the Donald Trump of Science. This doesn't mean everything about him is bad, just like with Donald Trump (whom I voted for and will probably vote for again).
What I would like to suggest for him is that, with his prominence, he could show some support for someone at a low point, who showed some for him, when he was at a low point. Former Penn State president, Graham Spanier is being scheduled for sentencing, and may be facing prison time for a bogus misdemeanor conviction related to crimes that didn't even happen!